How to contribute

Revision as of 11:22, 26 November 2020 by Christine Niebler (talk | contribs) (added a text between Scholarship of Teaching and learning and Decoding, so it is easier to see, that there are two diffent links)
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There are many ways how you can contribute:

  • Provide information on what Decoding the Disciplines is about and how to practice it
  • Share research results.
  • Share your research data and media.
  • Make yourself visible to the community.

Just create a user account and start contributing!

Describe Decoding the Disciplines and how to practice it

Add content to this wiki by e.g.

Share research results

Being a form of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning the method Decoding the Disciplines intends to make teaching a scholarly activity. This includes sharing research results. Using this wiki you can can share your work along the full cycle of Decoding the Disciplines. That is you can contribute

  • students' bottlenecks
  • description of experts' mental operations and other insights gained in the Decoding process
  • teaching materials
  • assessments materials
  • publications

In order to do so you may want to use Template:Bottleneck or Template:Decoding work as a starting point.

Share your research data and media

Research data and media include e.g.

  • interview recordings
  • interview transcripts
  • assessment results

In order to do so you may want to use Template:Resource-File as a starting point

You can make data and media accessible in one of two ways:

  • Accessibility of your data/media is unrestricted, i.e. it will be available to any internet user.
  • Accessibility of your data/media is restricted to persons who are registered users of this wiki and who have been granted researcher status within this wiki. Please contact CONTACT in order to apply for researcher status.

Make yourself visible to the community

Create a new page named User:<username>. If your username is John Doe the page should be named User:John Doe. Note that there must be no space in front of and after the colon. You will be offered Template:People as a template. Feel add and delete sections provided by the template as needed. It might be a good idea to browse the user pages of other people and use them as a model for your page.

Quick guide

You may wish to consult our quick guide which shows you how to create and edit content in this wiki.

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